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Tennis and Pickleball 

Elevating Your Physical and Mental Game
Expert Coaching Wherever You Are

Coach Kristen Gerety

With over 35 years in the tennis and pickleball industry, Kristen Gerety stands out not just for her accolades, but for her focus on the mind-body connection. Kristen's holistic coaching approach encompasses breathing techniques for powerful strokes, visualization, grounding strategies, and comprehensive player development, solidifying her status as a transformative force in tennis coaching.


Professional Coaching Services

Kristen Gerety's in-person tennis and pickleball lessons are accompanied by personalized lesson plans meticulously designed to amplify your skills on the court. Beyond the court, online coaching calls and speaking engagements delve into the intricacies of the mental game in tennis and pickleball, empowering you with a strategic edge. 


In-Person Lessons

Enhance your game in Newport, RI with tailored in-person tennis  and pickleball lessons. Package includes personalized pre-planning, 1-hour lesson, and post-session PDF for guidance towards future improvement.


Online Coaching

Level up your mental game with online coaching: strategies, nutrition, workouts, mental strategy tips. Sessions discuss strategies such as visualization, meditation, breath work and more to strengthen your play.


Speaking Engagements

Inspire players and coaches with Coach KG's seamless integration of her years of research and experience of the mind body connection in tennis and pickleball, with tactile steps to improve skill and strategy. 

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